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Concert Featuring The Works By Slovak Composers

Sobota 28. 9. 2024, 16.00 hSaturday, September 28, 2024, 4.00 PM
Cyklus BHS – Bratislavské hudobné slávnosti
Malá sála Slovenskej filharmónie
BHS serie – Bratislava Music Festival
Small Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

Peter Machajdík (1961)
  Sláčikové kvarteto „Welcome!“ String Quartet “Welcome!”
Iris Szeghy (1956)
  Sláčikové kvarteto č. 3 „Hommage à Mednyánszky“ – slovenská premiéraString Quartet No. 3 “Hommage à Mednyánszky” – Slovak premiere
  Zinovatelý lesRimy forest
  Napájadlo s havranmiWatering Place With Ravens
  Železné vráta na DunajiThe Iron Gates on the Danube
  Vianoce vojnových zajatcovChristmas of the Prisoners of War
  Uierajúci (umelcov otec)Dying Man (the artist’s father)
  Zlatisté svetlá v zimnom leseGolden Lights in the Winter Forest
Ladislav Burlas (1927–2024)
   Sláčikové kvarteto č. 2 „Pamiatke S. S. Prokofieva“ String Quartet No. 2 “In Memory of S. S. Prokofiev”
  Passacaglia a intermezzoPassacaglia and Intermezzo
  Meditácia a fináleMeditation and finale
Peter Zagar (1961)
  Pochod (2017, rev. 2024) March (2017, rev. 2024)
Juraj Filas (1955–2021)
  No Comment No Comment
Marek Piaček (1972)
  66 sezón, štyri kusy pre kvinteto plechových nástrojov 66 seasons, four pieces for brass quintet
  Bremer JoliBremer Joli
  ZáverečnáIt’s Closing Time
Milan Novák (1927–2021)
  Brassparódie (výber) Brassparody (selection)
  O ničomAbout nothing

This concert continues the BHS dramaturgy in presenting a rich range of chamber music by Slovak composers, this year intended for string quartet and brass quintet.

Humanism is the driving force behind the work of Peter Machajdík; in the “classically” conceived string quartet, Welcome! welcomes anyone who is persecuted because of their skin colour, religion, sexual orientation, or fleeing violence. Iris Szeghy often looks for motivational sources in the connections between visual and musical art (Hommage à Rodin, Hommage à Mednyánszky). In addition, she finds it challenging to uncover parallels between the “old” and the “new”. The intersections of times and epochs are also interesting in the work of Ladislav Burlas – an outstanding composer, theoretician, pedagogue and ethnomusicologist. Especially his contacts with ethnic music opened the gates to finding unsuspected connections between the archaic and the “modern”. Also with this work we remember a precious person and long-time chairman of the BHS Festival Committee, who left us forever this year.

Marek Piaček revels (and charmingly provokes) in multimedia projects, creating impressive collages of sound, movement and image and, in the spirit of the old masters, often performs in his own projects. In his work, Peter Zagar is also not satisfied with the idea of “separating” the ancient or recent past and present. Although he has a “sense of humour”, he always remains a lyricist, a poet of the soul and spirit, cowering before music and its eternity. Juraj Filas promoted in his music an infinite admiration for opera, vocal melody and rich harmony, which he considered to be the fundamental dimension of the universe. More than 120 works deal with this “cosmogony” of music with undeniable sovereignty. Milan Novák avoided cosmic inspirations; he was a pragmatist, living and creating the everyday reality of a practical musician. He was also intensely involved with children and youth, which shaped his ideas and motivations.

AndrejAndrej OsvaldOsvald svetlálights, zvuksound, OlesiaOlesia StepuraStepura striheditor, MarekMarek PiačekPiaček kamerycamera, réžiavideo producer, postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2024A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2024
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